Doodle: Your availabilities for the Seminar Presentations
Written on 15.01.2025 10:19 by Fariba Osali
Dear students,
We have opened a Doodle where you can enter your availabilities for the final seminar presentations. Please enter your information by Friday, January 17, 23:59 CET. You can find a link here (as well as in the schedule on the main page):
Please indicate your availability for each date and ensure that you mark at least three consecutive dates.
- If you have an exam conflict, do not vote (mark it as "no vote").
- If it is your preferred date, mark it as green.
- If you could attend if necessary, mark it as yellow.
- Unless conflicts make it impossible, please mark at least three consecutive dates in green. If you have two or more scheduling conflicts, please email us via <inet-teaching{AT}>. Be sure to include the names of your courses as well as the date and time of your exams.
We expect you to be available for all dates if you miss the Doodle deadline. Please assume that the presentations will take up the entire days, and we expect each student to attend the entire seminar. (Participation is MANDATORY.)
Best regards,
The HTDN Team