
Preliminary Block Seminar Dates

Written on 23.01.2025 10:15 by Fariba Osali

Dear students,

Based on your Doodle responses, we have identified 2 dates for conducting the block seminar: 17 and 18 February 2025.

Please note that we expect ALL students to be present for ALL the presentations. If you have scheduling conflicts (i.e., exams or doctor's appointments), please email us ASAP: <inet-teaching{AT}>

In cases of exam conflicts, please mention the course name and the date + time of the exam, e.g., Data Networks 17.02.2025, 11:00-13:00.

In the case of doctor's appointments, we do not need the reason for the appointment, but we will need a doctor's slip afterward.

We will send out a detailed plan of the timeslots later.

Best regards,

The HTDN Team

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