
HTDNs: Choosing your preferred paper

Written on 22.10.2024 14:34 by Fariba Osali

Dear students,

Thank you all for attending today's kick-off meeting.

As discussed, please provide us with your preferences for the seminar papers by Friday, October 25, 2024, 11:59 AM (CEST).

You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order)
as a comma-separated line accompanied only (i.e., do not add any formal header/greeting or footer/parting parts)
by your name in the subject of the email to <inet-teaching{AT}>.

For example, the line "4, 10, 8, 27, 16" means that you prefer paper number 4 over paper number 10, and so on.
It also means that you prefer these five papers over all others.

We use an Integer-Linear-Programming formulation to optimize for maximum summed student happiness.

You can view the list of papers on the Papers page under the Information menu.

Kick-off meeting slides are available on the materials page.

Best regards,

The HTDN Team

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