Reminder: Submission of Final SlidesWritten on 14.02.25 (last change on 14.02.25) by Fariba Osali Dear students, You should have gotten some feedback on your draft slides by now. Please submit your final slides by Monday morning (17.02.2024, 07:59 AM CET). You can submit your final slides in pdf, ppt, or pptx format. We will download all slides to our laptop, and you can use the presenter view… Read more Dear students, You should have gotten some feedback on your draft slides by now. Please submit your final slides by Monday morning (17.02.2024, 07:59 AM CET). You can submit your final slides in pdf, ppt, or pptx format. We will download all slides to our laptop, and you can use the presenter view on the laptop. If you do not submit anything, we will consider your draft slides. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Submission of Final SlidesWritten on 05.02.25 (last change on 05.02.25) by Fariba Osali Dear students, We will be using a shared laptop for all seminar presentations, so you will not be able to connect your laptop to the projector. To make it easier for you to access your slide notes, we have opened the submission page until Monday morning (17.02.2024, 07:59 AM CET). You can submit… Read more Dear students, We will be using a shared laptop for all seminar presentations, so you will not be able to connect your laptop to the projector. To make it easier for you to access your slide notes, we have opened the submission page until Monday morning (17.02.2024, 07:59 AM CET). You can submit your final slides in pdf or pptx format. We will download all slides to our laptop, and you can use the presenter view on the laptop. If you do not submit anything, we will consider your draft slides. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Block Seminar DatesWritten on 03.02.25 (last change on 04.02.25) by Fariba Osali Dear students, We have scheduled the block seminar based on your previous responses. Please find more information about the seminar process and your role as session chair here: Please remember that your activity… Read more Dear students, We have scheduled the block seminar based on your previous responses. Please find more information about the seminar process and your role as session chair here: Please remember that your activity (questions, comments, etc.) during the seminar will influence your grade. We expect all students to be present throughout the seminar (on all days) unless they have informed us of their unavailability and receive an exemption from us. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Reminder: Submission of Draft SlidesWritten on 29.01.25 (last change on 30.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, As announced last week, the deadline for submitting your draft slides is tomorrow 23:59 CET. Your supervisors will use your draft slides to give you some pointers on how you can polish them before the final presentation. You can submit slides in either PPT or PDF format. As… Read more Dear Students, As announced last week, the deadline for submitting your draft slides is tomorrow 23:59 CET. Your supervisors will use your draft slides to give you some pointers on how you can polish them before the final presentation. You can submit slides in either PPT or PDF format. As announced in our kick-off meeting, a late submission will incur a 0.3 penalty off your final grade. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Preliminary Block Seminar DatesWritten on 23.01.25 (last change on 23.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear students, Based on your Doodle responses, we have identified 2 dates for conducting the block seminar: 17 and 18 February 2025. Please note that we expect ALL students to be present for ALL the presentations. If you have scheduling conflicts (i.e., exams or doctor's appointments), please… Read more Dear students, Based on your Doodle responses, we have identified 2 dates for conducting the block seminar: 17 and 18 February 2025. Please note that we expect ALL students to be present for ALL the presentations. If you have scheduling conflicts (i.e., exams or doctor's appointments), please email us ASAP: <inet-teaching{AT}> In cases of exam conflicts, please mention the course name and the date + time of the exam, e.g., Data Networks 17.02.2025, 11:00-13:00. In the case of doctor's appointments, we do not need the reason for the appointment, but we will need a doctor's slip afterward. We will send out a detailed plan of the timeslots later. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Submission of Draft SlidesWritten on 22.01.25 (last change on 22.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, The submission portal for your draft slides is now open. You can find it in the teaching system under submissions. Please submit your draft slides by 31.01.2024 23:59 CET. Your supervisors will use your draft slides to give you some pointers on how you can polish them before the… Read more Dear Students, The submission portal for your draft slides is now open. You can find it in the teaching system under submissions. Please submit your draft slides by 31.01.2024 23:59 CET. Your supervisors will use your draft slides to give you some pointers on how you can polish them before the final presentation. You can submit slides in either PPT or PDF format. Although the slides from the lecture on how to prepare a technical presentation are now available on the Materials page under Slides. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Reminder: Lecture on how to prepare a technical presentation - tomorrow, 10:00 CET, Room 024 (E1 4)Written on 21.01.25 (last change on 03.02.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, Here is a reminder for the lecture on preparing seminar (and other technical) presentations. The lecture will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, 22 January 2025, at 10:00 CET in room 024, building E1 4. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Doodle: Your availabilities for the Seminar PresentationsWritten on 15.01.25 (last change on 15.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear students, We have opened a Doodle where you can enter your availabilities for the final seminar presentations. Please enter your information by Friday, January 17, 23:59 CET. You can find a link here (as well as in the schedule on the main page): Dear students, We have opened a Doodle where you can enter your availabilities for the final seminar presentations. Please enter your information by Friday, January 17, 23:59 CET. You can find a link here (as well as in the schedule on the main page): Please indicate your availability for each date and ensure that you mark at least three consecutive dates.
We expect you to be available for all dates if you miss the Doodle deadline. Please assume that the presentations will take up the entire days, and we expect each student to attend the entire seminar. (Participation is MANDATORY.) Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Lecture on how to prepare a technical presentation-22.01.2025, 10:00 CET, Room 024 (E1 4)Written on 14.01.25 (last change on 14.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, As promised at the kick-off event, we are offering a lecture on preparing seminar (and other technical) presentations. The lecture will start on Wednesday, 22 January 2025, at 10:00 CET in room 024, building E1 4. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Final Paper Submission & Course Evaluation AnnouncementWritten on 08.01.25 (last change on 08.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, Please be reminded that the submission deadline for the final version of your paper is 13.01.2025, 23:59 CET. Furthermore, the seminar course evaluation is now available on the following link: Link: We will close the… Read more Dear Students, Please be reminded that the submission deadline for the final version of your paper is 13.01.2025, 23:59 CET. Furthermore, the seminar course evaluation is now available on the following link: Link: We will close the evaluation page on 26 January 2025. Your feedback will help us improve our current and future courses—something that will benefit not only you but your fellow students as well. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Peer-Review Feedback Sent and Final Paper SubmissionWritten on 17.12.24 (last change on 08.01.25) by Cristian Munteanu Dear students, The feedback reports from your peers on your draft papers have now been sent to you. Please utilise this valuable feedback to further refine your papers. Please be reminded that the submission deadline for the final version of your paper is 13.01.2025, 23:59 CET. Best… Read more Dear students, The feedback reports from your peers on your draft papers have now been sent to you. Please utilise this valuable feedback to further refine your papers. Please be reminded that the submission deadline for the final version of your paper is 13.01.2025, 23:59 CET. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Peer-review feedback reminderWritten on 11.12.24 (last change on 08.01.25) by Cristian Munteanu Dear Students, Please remember to submit your peer-review feedback on the website, the due date is: 16.12.24 11:59 CET. Regarding the feedback reports: - Fill out your feedback using the provided templates: PDF or Markdown - Ensure that the feedback for individual drafts is in PDF format… Read more Dear Students, Please remember to submit your peer-review feedback on the website, the due date is: 16.12.24 11:59 CET. Regarding the feedback reports: - Fill out your feedback using the provided templates: PDF or Markdown - Ensure that the feedback for individual drafts is in PDF format and that you join/compress them afterward into a .zip or .gz archive. - Use the report author's name for the feedback pdf. For example, the feedback file for John Doe's report should look like: "John_Doe_report_feedback.pdf". - If the feedback contains more than multiple pages, please make sure to concatenate them all in one single PDF.
Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Peer Review Sessions ScheduledWritten on 03.12.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Cristian Munteanu Dear Students, Thank you for submitting your seminar paper drafts. We uploaded details on the next step, the peer review process (the page is only accessible via a CMS account). Dear Students, Thank you for submitting your seminar paper drafts. We uploaded details on the next step, the peer review process (the page is only accessible via a CMS account). The assigned time slots are based on the individual indicated availabilities from Doodle. Actively participating in the peer review session and providing constructive feedback is part of your duties for this course and contributes to your final grade. Please make sure to submit your feedback via the "Peer-Review Feedback" submission tab by 16 December 2024, 11:59 AM CET. After the submission deadline, we will forward you all the feedback related to your draft within a few days. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Peer Review Availability Doodle now openWritten on 25.11.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Cristian Munteanu Dear Students, To schedule the peer review, we have enabled a "Doodle" for you to enter your preferred time slots for the peer review (Link). You can also find the link on the homepage. Please indicate _at least_ three time slots at which you are available until November 29th 2024, 23:59 CET. If… Read more Dear Students, To schedule the peer review, we have enabled a "Doodle" for you to enter your preferred time slots for the peer review (Link). You can also find the link on the homepage. Please indicate _at least_ three time slots at which you are available until November 29th 2024, 23:59 CET. If you miss the deadline, we expect you to be available at all time slots. You can also find a page with more information on the peer-review process in the teaching system (here). The pairings for the peer review will be announced on that page (and in a separate announcement), and the sessions themselves will be held online via Zoom. Please also be aware that the deadline for the seminar report drafts is on November 29th. Best regards The HTDN Team |
Seminar Report Draft SubmissionWritten on 25.11.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, The submission for your seminar report draft is now open. You can find it in the teaching system under submissions. The deadline for this is 29.11.2024, 23:59, and we only accept submissions in PDF format. As announced in our kick-off meeting, late submissions will incur a… Read more Dear Students, The submission for your seminar report draft is now open. You can find it in the teaching system under submissions. The deadline for this is 29.11.2024, 23:59, and we only accept submissions in PDF format. As announced in our kick-off meeting, late submissions will incur a 0.3-point penalty per day past the deadline for your final grade. Best regards The HTDN Team |
Lecture on how to write a technical report – Slides AvailableWritten on 21.11.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear students, The slides from the lecture on how to write a technical report are now available. You can find them on the Materials page under Slides. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Reminder: LSF/HISPOS Registration Deadline and Tomorrow's LectureWritten on 18.11.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, This is a kind reminder to officially register for the seminar via LSF/HISPOS if you wish to receive a grade for this seminar. The official deadline is TODAY, November 18, 2024. If you have any questions or encounter issues, please feel free to contact us at… Read more Dear Students, This is a kind reminder to officially register for the seminar via LSF/HISPOS if you wish to receive a grade for this seminar. The official deadline is TODAY, November 18, 2024. If you have any questions or encounter issues, please feel free to contact us at <inet-teaching{AT}>. Additionally, here is a reminder about the upcoming lecture on how to write a technical report, which will take place tomorrow, November 19, 2024, at 14:00 CET in room 105, building E1 5. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Reminder: LSF/HISPOS Registration DeadlineWritten on 14.11.24 (last change on 13.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, This is a kind reminder to officially register for the seminar via LSF/HISPOS. The official deadline is Monday, November 18, 2024. Best regards, The HTDN… Read more Dear Students, This is a kind reminder to officially register for the seminar via LSF/HISPOS. The official deadline is Monday, November 18, 2024. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Lecture on how to write a technical report -19.11.2024, 14:00 CET, Room 105 (E1 5)Written on 12.11.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, As promised during the kick-off meeting, we are offering a lecture on how to write a technical report. The lecture will take place on Tuesday, 19 November 2024, at 14:00 CET in room 105, building E1 5. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Report Templates AvailableWritten on 11.11.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, We uploaded the Latex and Word template for the seminar reports. You can find them on the Materials page under Report Templates. Dear Students, We uploaded the Latex and Word template for the seminar reports. You can find them on the Materials page under Report Templates. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
IMPORTANT: LSF/HISPOS Registration deadlineWritten on 30.10.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear Students, Now that we have announced the mapping between papers and students, you have three weeks to register for the seminar via LSF/HISPOS. The official deadline is November 18, 2024. Dear Students, Now that we have announced the mapping between papers and students, you have three weeks to register for the seminar via LSF/HISPOS. The official deadline is November 18, 2024. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Student-Paper mapping results availableWritten on 28.10.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear students, We published the assignment of papers to students; the results are available here: Student-to-Paper Mapping. You have two supervisors, so please address your contact email to both supervisors. Contact them by October 30, 2024 to arrange an initial meeting. The supervisors'… Read more Dear students, We published the assignment of papers to students; the results are available here: Student-to-Paper Mapping. You have two supervisors, so please address your contact email to both supervisors. Contact them by October 30, 2024 to arrange an initial meeting. The supervisors' contact information is also available on the Team page. You may go ahead and contact your supervisors to set up the initial meeting. Please use the coming week to read through and understand the paper assigned to you. Prepare an outline for the meeting and make sure you can explain the paper assigned to you to your supervisors (in detail, and it would be better if you could prepare a short presentation). We will send information shortly regarding the next steps for official course registration. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Reminder: Choosing your preferred paperWritten on 25.10.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear students, This is a reminder that the deadline for sending us your paper preferences is today, October 25, 2024, 11:59 AM (CEST). You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order) Dear students, This is a reminder that the deadline for sending us your paper preferences is today, October 25, 2024, 11:59 AM (CEST). You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order) For example, the line "4, 10, 8, 27, 16" means that you prefer paper number 4 over paper number 10, and so on. You can view the list of papers on the Papers page under the Information menu. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
HTDNs: Choosing your preferred paperWritten on 22.10.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Dear students, Thank you all for attending today's kick-off meeting. As discussed, please provide us with your preferences for the seminar papers by Friday, October 25, 2024, 11:59 AM (CEST). You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order) Dear students, Thank you all for attending today's kick-off meeting. As discussed, please provide us with your preferences for the seminar papers by Friday, October 25, 2024, 11:59 AM (CEST). You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order) For example, the line "4, 10, 8, 27, 16" means that you prefer paper number 4 over paper number 10, and so on. We use an Integer-Linear-Programming formulation to optimize for maximum summed student happiness. You can view the list of papers on the Papers page under the Information menu. Kick-off meeting slides are available on the materials page. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Reminder: In-person kick-off meetingWritten on 21.10.24 (last change on 06.01.25) by Fariba Osali Hi all, This is a reminder for the in-person kick-off meeting that will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22 at 11:00 AM CEST in Room 019 in Building E1 4. At this meeting, we will introduce the HTDN seminar and the papers that will be supervised during the course. In the meantime, you can… Read more Hi all, This is a reminder for the in-person kick-off meeting that will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22 at 11:00 AM CEST in Room 019 in Building E1 4. At this meeting, we will introduce the HTDN seminar and the papers that will be supervised during the course. In the meantime, you can view the list of papers on the Papers page under the Information menu. Please note: you have to register on CMS to review the papers. Best regards, The HTDN Team |
Hot Topics in Data Networks
While the Internet has started as a research effort, it has consistently evolved throughout the decades into the largest commercial network. Today, many research efforts focus on understanding the Internet's structural trends, optimizing its packet delivery, and laying the foundations for its future developments. In this seminar, you will receive a closer look at bleeding-edge research published at the top conferences in our domain. Discussing state-of-the-art approaches and recent findings from a broad range of network-related topics with your peers and instructors will provide you with a deep understanding of your assigned topic. Preparing the accompanying research survey and topic presentation will not only strengthen your academic writing, but also help you to present your future work in a more accessible and structured way.
Requirements: Participants must have successfully completed a course in "Data Networks" or an equivalent subject.
Student Places: 12
Contact us: Please use INET teaching <inet-teaching{AT}> for your general queries.
The following information is based on UDS announcements.
Start of semester: 01.10.2024
Start of lecturing period: 14.10.2024
Lecture-free period (New Year): 23.12.2024 - 03.01.2025
End of lecturing period: 07.02.2025
End of semester: 31.03.2025
Thus, in total, there are 13 weeks and the following schedule provides you with the essential deadlines. Exact dates can be subject to change.
Week# | Start Date | End Date | Date | Event | Resources |
1 | 14.10.2024 | 18.10.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 14.10.2024 | Start of the lecturing period | |
2 | 21.10.2024 | 25.10.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 22.10.2024 | Kick-off meeting (11:00 AM CEST until 13:00 PM CEST) | |
-- | -- | -- | 25.10.2024 | Deadline: End of paper preference registration (11:59 AM CEST) | |
3 | 28.10.2024 | 01.11.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 28.10.2024 | Release of Student-to-Paper Matching | Assigned papers |
-- | -- | -- | 30.10.2024 | Deadline: First contact with supervisor(s) | |
-- | -- | -- | 01.11.2024 | Public holiday | |
4 | 04.11.2024 | 08.11.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | -- | Reading paper and literature review week 1 | |
-- | -- | -- | 08.11.2024 | Deadline: First meeting with supervisor(s) | |
5 | 11.11.2024 | 15.11.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | -- | Reading paper and literature review week 2 | |
6 | 18.11.2024 | 22.11.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 19.11.2024 | Lecture: How to write a technical report (14:00 CET) | Lecture's Slide |
-- | -- | -- | 22.11.2024 | Deadline: First assessments of the student by supervisor(s) | |
7 | 25.11.2024 | 29.11.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 29.11.2024 | Deadline: First draft of the report, preferences for peer review slots (23:59 CET) | Peer Review Availability Doodle |
8 | 02.12.2024 | 06.12.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 06.12.2024 | Deadline: Second assessments of the student by supervisor(s) | |
9 | 09.12.2024 | 13.12.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | -- | Peer review week | |
10 | 16.12.2024 | 20.12.2024 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 16.12.2024 | Deadline: Peer review feedback (11:59 AM CET) | |
11 | 23.12.2024 | 27.12.2024 | -- | Lecture-free period (New Year) | |
12 | 30.12.2024 | 03.01.2025 | -- | Lecture-free period (New Year) | |
13 | 06.01.2025 | 10.01.2025 | -- | Final report preparation | |
14 | 13.01.2025 | 17.01.2025 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 13.01.2025 | Deadline: Final report (23:59 CET) | |
-- | -- | -- | 17.01.2025 | Deadline: Seminar Presentation Doodle | Doodle |
15 | 20.01.2025 | 26.01.2025 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 22.01.2025 | Lecture: How to give a technical presentation (10:00 CET) | Lecture's slide |
-- | -- | -- | 26.01.2025 | Deadline: Course evaluation (23:59 CET) | Evaluation Link |
16 | 27.01.2025 | 31.01.2025 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 31.01.2025 | Deadline: Slide deck draft | |
17 | 03.02.2025 | 07.02.2025 | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- | 06.02.2025 | Deadline: Dry-run to supervisor(s) (recommended) | |
-- | -- | -- | 07.02.2025 | End of the lecturing period | |
-- | -- | -- | 17.02.2025 | Deadline: Final version of seminar slides (7:59 CET) | Deadline updated |
-- | 17.02.2025 | 18.02.2025 | -- | Block Seminar (2 days block presentations) |
* TBD: To be decided (can include your and your supervisor's preference)